Comrade Morpho

Comrade Morpho

Comrade Morpho

Comrade Morpho

Comrade Morpho

Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

Redesigning Experience for Comrade Morpho

4 Months


UX Designer and Content Writer


Young Adults

Target Audience

4 Months


UX Designer and Content Writer


Young Adults

Target Audience

Client Requirements:

Client Requirements:

A Social-emotional Mentor is perfect for someone who is experiencing mild to medium signs of declining mental health, but isn’t quite in need of, or ready for professional psychiatric care. Working with Jackie at comrade-morpho is a relaxed and fun approach to improving emotional, social, and physical health. Her site aims to explain what this type of mentoring is to potential clients.

A Social-emotional Mentor is perfect for someone who is experiencing mild to medium signs of declining mental health, but isn’t quite in need of, or ready for professional psychiatric care. Working with Jackie at comrade-morpho is a relaxed and fun approach to improving emotional, social, and physical health. Her site aims to explain what this type of mentoring is to potential clients.

Target Audience

Target Audience

People of different age groups who are interested in improving emotional, social, and physical health with some coaching in a fun and friendly way.

People of different age groups who are interested in improving emotional, social, and physical health with some coaching in a fun and friendly way.




Increase organic website traffic


Have people spend more time on my site, and have them book a free consultation


A digital/social strategy that brings more qualified leads


She’d also be interested in getting help to design and set up a new page for a blog/vlog/podcast/gallery

Ideation and Research:

Ideation and Research:

The team and I started out with initial primary research and understanding the client's requirements and expectations. We also tried to understand what service the client is providing and how we can help her with her business. Having more clarity on these things helped us to have more clarity on how we can shape the research and overall project.

Competitor's Analysis

Competitor's Analysis

Cindy MacCormack Coaching:

Design Phase:

Design Phase:

Information Architecture:

As a team we all worked together to redesign the information architecture of Comrade Morpho. The aim behind redesigning the navigation of the client's website was to help users’ navigate through the website efficiently and have an easy access to more relevant and important information.


User Flow:

LeanGreen user flow
LeanGreen user flow
LeanGreen user flow
LeanGreen user flow
LeanGreen user flow

The aim of the user flow is to showcase how likely the user will navigate through the redesigned website and ways it will enhance the overall user experience.

User Journey:

High-Fidelity Designs:

High-Fidelity Designs:

What I Learnt:

What I Learnt:


One of the biggest learning for me was to collaborate with the team, understanding everyone’s different working pattern and keeping up with it.


Collaborating and working with real-clients was a very new experience with ample learning.





Hiral Thaker · All rights reserved

Hiral Thaker · All rights reserved

Hiral Thaker · All rights reserved

Hiral Thaker · All rights reserved